Sunday, October 19, 2008

So what is Acid Rain?

Acid rain is caused when sulfur dioxides or nitrogen oxides are released into the earths atmosphere. This has really started happening more and more since the industrial revolution. The main cause of these chemicles in the air, are big companies acting as big poluters. People buy vehicles with high gas emissions and have no concern for what they are doing to their air. A natural contribter to the acid rain problem are volcanoes. They emit sulfur gasses after eruptung which can polute miles of the sky Acid rain was first discovered in 1952 but was only really studied starting in the 1960's.

A substances acidity is measured by it pH level. The pH levels range from 0 to 14. A pH level of 7 is considered neutral. Anything over 7 is considered "basic", and the closer you get to 0 the more acidic a substance is. Because of the natural chemicals in the air, normal rain has a pH level af about 6, putting acid rain at around 2-3 pH.

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